We have to start somewhere, so i guess this is as good a place as any. Welcome to the start of the BaffledBy Network.

It is often said that you should “Document, dont create“, to show the journey not just the destination. Well this is the first steps of putting one digital foot in front of the other. That is why i created this blog, The Baffled Entrepreneur to document this voyage into uncharted waters.

As i raise the metaphorical leg to make the first step, what will the journey be like? Where will it take me? What do i want to achieve?  Who will i meet on the way? Who will i help, who will help me?

I havent got a scooby doo!

All i know is that i want to create an information network for small businesses who are as baffled by it all as I am. Do you see what i did there with the clever naming.

I am not sure yet whether this should be videos (I have a face for radio), podcasts (i have a voice that would work well in a silent movie!) or written word (make your own judgement on that!). So while play around with different formats, jsut bear with me. Or better still if you have an opinion then let me know.

The BaffledBy Network  that i have in mind, will be a central hub for information that small businesses and entrepreneurs will find useful. The Baffled Entrepreneur will be an important part of that hub, it will document whats going on behind the scenes and be a human face of what is going well or not so well!

In the end it will be how its meant to be.

But we are not at the end, I have barel started to document the begining yet! Lets go and thank you if you join me on this journey.

The Baffled Entrepreneur