I am not usually in the habit of talking to myself but why am I doing this? Ok, i do like a bit of internal dialogue at times, it’s often the best way to get the answers I want!

Please allow me to set the scene a little. I sit here with my headphones on, Nightwish, Delain or some other symphonic metal pounding into my headphones. I find myself feeling pumped and excited about where all this could go.

My fingers are dancing across the keyboard trying to get my rambling thoughts across to you in as coherent a manner as I can manage. So please forgive the grammar or typing…I will spell check I promise.

I have spent hours and hours reading books, blogs, magazines and articles on being an entrepreneur. I have watched and listened to so many YouTube videos and podcasts that I feel at overload. I have liked too many “gurus” on social media with their special formula for making it big!

The result?

I have wasted so much time learning and consuming that I now feel years behind where I should be.

Don’t get me wrong, I have done quite well for myself so far in the life I have lived. Not earth shattering but comfortable, nice house, car family etc. But I should have spent more time doing and less time reading and watching.

I have always dabbled in entrepreneurship, I have had a couple of stabs at it over the years but always gone back to the normal grind. Where my working hours directly benefit someone else and not me.

I have worked damned hard all my life. I am not afraid of hard work, I relish being busy and having things to do, thriving on the challenges.

So to finally answer the question, Why am I doing this?… I have had enough!

What I have had enough of is fixing the challenges for someone else’s company, someone else’s shareholders, someone else’s customers and someone else’s bank balance.

How many of you can relate to that scenario?

I for one intend to do something about it. Who is with me?

Now, you would think that after all the learning and consuming, I would be in a great place to start on this. That I would know the best way to sell a product, to market a service, to have the world eating out of my hand.

Nah, I am as baffled as the rest of you… that is why I am doing this.